John William Stewart, who uses the professional name J.W.Stewart, was born in Quebec City November 4, 1951, and was raised in Montreal. He began his education in french school and switched to english at high school.
He studied art and humanities in Mosaic, a program of independent studies and studio courses, at Dawson College and visual art and creative writing at Concordia University. He began showing in 1981 in group shows and had his first solo show in 1983 at Galerie Alliance, Montreal, Canada. From 1984 to 1997 he was represented in Montreal by Waddington & Gorce where he has had regular solo exhibitions (1984, 86, 88, 91, 93, 95) as well as numerous group shows. He has participated in group exhibitions in Quebec, in Canada, in the United States and Europe. His work is in private, corporate and public collections here and in the United States.
For medical reasons J.W.Stewart has not shown his artwork in recent years.
Recent Exhibition
"Never Pure" An exhibition of recent and retrospective pieces
by J.W.Stewart and Mark Garland
Dec 5, 2010 to January 23, 2011 - Stewart Hall Art Gallery
See installation views here
Solo Exhibitions
1995 “Rhetorical Devices” Waddington & Gorce, Montreal
1994 “Propositions - Fictions’ Espace Ecureuil, Marseille, France
1992 “Uncertain and Familiar Places, works 1982 -1992”
1992 Galerie Arts Technologiques du Centre Copie-Art, Montreal
1991 “J.W.Stewart” Waddington & Gorce, Montreal
1988 “l.W.Stewart, Recent works” Waddington & Gorce, Montreal
1986 “J.W.Stewart, Recent Works” Waddington & Gorce, Montreal
1984 “l.W.Stewart, New Work” Waddington & Gorce, Montreal
1983 “Essences et Extraits” Galerie Alliance, Montreal
Group exhibitions (partial list)
1995 “Atrium Verra” in the framework of ISEA (International Symposium of
Electronic Art), Les Atriums, Montreal
1993 “Encan Benefice” Amis du Musee d’Art Contemporain, Montreal
1993 “Vente Benefice” Galerie Articule, Montreal
1992 “La decennie de la metamorphose 1982 - 1992” Musee du Quebec, Quebec
1992 “Neuf Artistes Quebecois” Espace Regional de la Creation Contemporaine, Marseille, France
1992 “Entree Libre a l’Art Contemporain” Place Bonaventure, Montreal
1992 “[nfinment Petit” Galerie Dare Dare, Montreal
1990 “L ‘Ete Libre de l’Art Contemporain” Galerie UQAM, Montreal
1990 “Entree Libre a l’Art Contemporain” Place Bonaventure, Montreal
1989 “Entree Libre a l’Art Contemporain” Place Bonaventure, Montreal
1989 “Old Brewery Mission, Benefit Exhibition” Masonic Temple, Montreal
1988 “Livres d’artistes” Galerie Caroline Corre, Paris
1987 “Medium Photocopie” Centre Saidye Bronfman, Montreal
1986-88 Chicago International Art Exposition, Chicago
1986 “Canadian International Bookworks Exhibition”, Galerie Aubes, Montreal;
Center for Book Arts Gallery, New York; Galerie Caroline Corre, Paris
1986 “Absurde” Galerie J. Yahouda Meir, Montreal
1986 “Electrographics” Visual Arts Ontario, Gallery 76, Toronto
1986 “Medium Phokopie” Kunstlerhaus, Stuttgart and travelling exhibition
1985 “Humour” Galerie Articule, Montreal
1985 “Picasso Vu Par” Galerie 13, Montreal
1984 “Face a Face, Artists Self-Portraits” Galerie Powerhouse, Montreal
1983 “Seven Artists” Musee Marsil, St-Lambert, Quebec
1983 “Concours National du livre d’artistes” Galerie Aubes, Montreal
and travelling exhibition
1981 “BiennaJe du Dessin et de l’Estampe du Quebec” Universite de Sherbrooke,
Sherbrooke, Quebec and travelling exhibition
1981 “Exposition [nternationale de Copie-Art” Galerie Motivation V, Montreal
Collections - Public (partial list)
1986 Canada Council Art Bank
1986 Banque d’Oeuvres d’Art du Quebec
1985 Banque d’Oeuvres d’Art du Quebec
1984 National Library of Canada
Collections - Private (partial list)
Mercer Meidinger Inc., New York
Alliance Mutuelle Vie, Montreal
Reader’s Digest Inc., New York
Prudential Life of Arnerica (Canada), Toronto
Nestle Canada Inc., Toronto
Elias Associates Inc., New York
Cornell Trading Inc., Montreal
j.B. Investment Corporation, New York
Calvin Bullock, Montreal
Steinberg Collection Inc., Montreal